today is Saturday, June 19, 2004

catch of the -day- moment:

Knitting Tip: Thick Yarn

If you're swithsing from thin yarn to thicker yarn for some reason, like me, don't forget to make larger loops in your last row with thin yarn... makes life easier.

today is Tuesday, June 08, 2004

catch of the -day- moment:

Awesome bit of goodnes from Neal Stephenson

In the Beginning, There was the Command Line (Thanks to John for the link).
Wow, nicely written and very interesting, reminding me why Neal Stephenson is quite possibly my favorite writer.
If you are interested by computers, language, religion, viral spreading, ancient Sumeria, and a whole lot of other things that he manages to weave together beautifully, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you check out Snow Crash. Also by him and also amazing is The Diamond Age. I have read these two and recommend them, but have yet to read Cryptonomicon, his third book (and I hear he has/will soon have another one out) which I heard good things about.

catch of the -day- moment:

Blog to Check Out

Here' a new blog that I'm adding to my RSS reader:
SensoryImpact, a very cool, slightly geeky (for non-geeks out there), design and goodies blog.
Can ya dig it?

today is Wednesday, June 02, 2004

catch of the -day- moment:

Mind on Empty

Feeling empty lately... very nothing-ful. I'll be out of it soon, I guess/hope. It usually doesn't last long.
I hate feeling like this and I don't even know why I do...

today is Tuesday, June 01, 2004

catch of the -day- moment:


Apparently, a tornado very recently touched down inBERGEN COUNTY! Crazy, eh? I didn't see it, I just heard it on the radio...

catch of the -day- moment:

Holding Hands...

[The bell/tone sounds at 9:00 AM]
Steve: That's so scary! I hate that thing!
Mr (T) Shaw: Dennis, hold Steve's hand so he won't be afraid.